// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Friday, January 06, 2006

dar williams, beliefnet.com interview.

hm. i think she has her finger on what IS powerful about 'spirituality' and 'spiritual revival,' as painfully vague as these terms are.

on heroes:

"I'm a big fan of [Beliefnet columnist] Margot Adler. I think that I gravitate towards people who think very hard about spiritual issues and political issues but who also have humility and a sense of humor. I've really been lucky to run into many people like that."


"One of the things I learned as a religion major is that in all religions there is this idea of being a vessel for divine power, whereby through meditation, through work, through personal integrity, you have this inner electricity that could connect with divine electricity. That somehow you could be struck dead by it if it was too much for you to take. You had to be in a position to receive that voltage. I think if I met the Dalai Lama, I would only get the Dalai Lama as much as I was ready to get the Dalai Lama.

So really, the spiritual person I have to be impressed with is me."

i guess one would call this divine appointment.
and the last sentence sounds a lot like my mom: "i dont want you competing with anyone but yourself... and i wont call you out on that either." like, hm, joy luck club (which some of us still need to get together and watch! hahah)...

Jing-Mei 'June' Woo: I'm just sorry that you got stuck with such a loser, that I've always been so disappointing.
Suyuan: What you mean disappoint? Piano?
Jing-Mei 'June' Woo: Everything: my grades, my job, not getting married, everything you expected of me.
Suyuan: Not expect anything! Never expect! Only hope! Only hoping best for you. That's not wrong, to hope.

its interesting too... all these connections to precollege years have popped up lately. just yesterday in my womens studies class i saw a video which featured my sixth grade english teacher... dar williams is the younger sister of my 11th grade us history teacher, who's probably taught me the most out of anyone (beyond elementary school, my favorite time)... no such thing as coincidences?

let me be
humility and humor
having encountered
the fullness and the favor of christ.


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