science is fun right now.
escape velocity
do i really need a definition though?
i think ive always desired this.
but, very simply:
escape velocity
the minimum velocity that a body must attain to escape a gravitational field completely.
which is only approached with the expectation that there is more, beyond.
good thoughts by djchuang:
at this xanga
do i really need a definition though?
i think ive always desired this.
but, very simply:
escape velocity
the minimum velocity that a body must attain to escape a gravitational field completely.
which is only approached with the expectation that there is more, beyond.
good thoughts by djchuang:
at this xanga
Parental-expectations barrier is a hard one to overcome, and there are some examples of it eroding in subsequent generations, but, alas, it only erodes for those who are cultural creatives, those who break the mold, and those who are willing to leave the predictable narrative of going to college, getting a job, getting married, having kids, repeat. Most people have a tendency to stick with the predictable and norm, but a few will reach escape velocity. In other words, everything won't change for Asians in just one generation. And, wealth and prosperity has its own seduction for people of every kind and generation, with or without parental hopes and aspirations.
Yes, Asian Americans on the whole have the highest median family income, and they are also the most educated, but it does not yet show up in the world of nonprofits and philanthropy. Yes, it'd seem to be consistent for their Asian pastors to be among the highest paid, but there may be more underlying cultural philosophies about ministry & money that needs to be excavated, exposed, and redeemed.
Posted 10/5/2006 at 8:28 AM by djchuang
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