Jaeson Ma - Constipated Christians
In our Christianity, we feel like we have to get more knowledge and more understanding and what happens is that we go to the next conference, the next tape, the next cd, the next person, the next inspirational message, the next altar call and we become what I call constipated Christians. We get so much good stuff but guess what it goes nowhere because we're not going...One of my favorite revivalists his name is Charles Finney, he brought the great revival, the second great awakening and you know what his definition of revival was? This was his definition of revival: Revival is notihng more than a total commitment to be radically obedient to God. It's not about the numbers, its not about getting hit by the holy spirit and feeling lightning bolts on you, its not about doing this or having a special encounter, its simply saying Jesus, what did you say to do and doing it. He says, "If you love me, you will obey my commands" John 14, Isn't it interesting that in Acts 5 it says "and he will give the holy spirit to those who obey him and we wonder why the Holy Spirit isnt working in our life maybe because we've been disobedient to God. We wonder why we dont see miralces happening in our lives and the holy spirit moving in our lives, maybe because we have no been obedient to God's word..now we don't obey out of fear, we obey because it's our blessing to obey its our blessing to see God bless others, its a blessing to see the spirit of God move.
Whether you're a cessationalist, a discessationalist, a charismatic it doesnt matter to me what matters to me is whether or not we obey the word of God. Do we teach people more information, do we teach people more knowledge or do we teach people more obedience? If we just clap our hands, say amen, take notes and get entertained sunday to sunday, large group to large group, bible study to bible study but theres no obedience to the word of God in our life, we will not see revival in our own life we will not see revival in the nations.
So I ask us tonight 9:10 10 minutes over, you know whats funny? I dont know if you guys had that guy from Africa Speak, Georgio Des Jr. He said the number one reason he believes other nations in the world, I've seen revival in Africa, Indonesia, China, Argentina, its amazing there's 25,000 people coming to Christ everyday in Africa, 27,00 everyday in South America 38-39,00 everyday in China, revival is breakign out the book of Acts is breaking out all around outside of the West...and he says I believe the biggest stumbling block in America is not anything else but one thing: time. We wanna put the holy spirit in a box, we wanna put him in a program we wanna tell him what we want him to do and not let welcome him in to let him do what he does best, change lives. I'm gonna ask us to night very simple, will you be willing to go, will you go? If you made converts but not made disciples, if Jesus is not lord of your life will you make him lord of your life tonight? He's either Lord of all or none at all. Not even 99% it has to be 100% everything laid down, then freedom comes. You hold onto it you're stuck in your own sin, your own selfishness, your own fear and that is your prison. But the moment you let go is the moment you're set free in Christ Jesus. You know the word lordship we think of it as something negative. Oh in America its all about me, we the people its a democracy, you know the kingdom of God is a not a democracy, its a kingdom. Its not about what we want to do, the king says I am the king and i say this and thats how its done. we say no you do what we want to do he says no i am the king Lordship means to be under protection. It's not just some suffering its to be submitted and I'm saying are we submitted wholeheartedly in Christ because we trust him so much we know he loves us so much we cannot do anything else but follow him. Are you willing to obey him not just learn about him are you willing to teach others to obey?
Whether you're a cessationalist, a discessationalist, a charismatic it doesnt matter to me what matters to me is whether or not we obey the word of God. Do we teach people more information, do we teach people more knowledge or do we teach people more obedience? If we just clap our hands, say amen, take notes and get entertained sunday to sunday, large group to large group, bible study to bible study but theres no obedience to the word of God in our life, we will not see revival in our own life we will not see revival in the nations.
So I ask us tonight 9:10 10 minutes over, you know whats funny? I dont know if you guys had that guy from Africa Speak, Georgio Des Jr. He said the number one reason he believes other nations in the world, I've seen revival in Africa, Indonesia, China, Argentina, its amazing there's 25,000 people coming to Christ everyday in Africa, 27,00 everyday in South America 38-39,00 everyday in China, revival is breakign out the book of Acts is breaking out all around outside of the West...and he says I believe the biggest stumbling block in America is not anything else but one thing: time. We wanna put the holy spirit in a box, we wanna put him in a program we wanna tell him what we want him to do and not let welcome him in to let him do what he does best, change lives. I'm gonna ask us to night very simple, will you be willing to go, will you go? If you made converts but not made disciples, if Jesus is not lord of your life will you make him lord of your life tonight? He's either Lord of all or none at all. Not even 99% it has to be 100% everything laid down, then freedom comes. You hold onto it you're stuck in your own sin, your own selfishness, your own fear and that is your prison. But the moment you let go is the moment you're set free in Christ Jesus. You know the word lordship we think of it as something negative. Oh in America its all about me, we the people its a democracy, you know the kingdom of God is a not a democracy, its a kingdom. Its not about what we want to do, the king says I am the king and i say this and thats how its done. we say no you do what we want to do he says no i am the king Lordship means to be under protection. It's not just some suffering its to be submitted and I'm saying are we submitted wholeheartedly in Christ because we trust him so much we know he loves us so much we cannot do anything else but follow him. Are you willing to obey him not just learn about him are you willing to teach others to obey?
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