August 23, 2007
I've had some conversations in recent days that have reminded me...
* Vision is easy when you launch.
* Vision is what distinguishes one organization from the next. Both may be great organizations. They just have unique visions.
* If you grow, eventually, someone will try to shift the vision in a different direction. That's a guarantee.
* People need to be reminded frequently of what the vision is and where you're going next.
* Sometimes you have to confront people and their agenda when it's not in line with the vision. Doesn't necessarily mean their agenda is wrong. Just means it's not your vision.
* Sometimes you have to ask a leader to step down if they can't fully support the vision. Doesn't mean they're not a good leader. Just means they're not your leader.
* Vision challenges can rock smaller organizations and go almost unnoticed in larger organizations.
* There's more vision stability in a larger organization, but also more opportunity for complacency.
* The vision needs to be big enough to capture the hearts of leaders.
* The vision rarely changes, but the immediate objectives for accomplishing the vision must constantly be defined.
* The top positional leader has to be the loudest voice and the most passionate champion for the vision. That role can't be delegated.
* Vision unifies.
What would you add to the list?
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Posted on August 23, 2007 at 08:46 AM in Leadership | Permalink
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Vision is contagious
Posted by: Bryan | August 23, 2007 at 08:59 AM
Vision must be communicated many different ways
Posted by: Kevin | August 23, 2007 at 10:32 AM
Vision is progressive. God never shows you everything upfront. But as you step out in faith and walk with Him, you begin to see things up close and personal that you didn't even think about when the journey began.
Posted by: missionalgirl | August 23, 2007 at 10:35 AM
Yes, missionalgirl! You nailed that one. It's so true.
Posted by: tony morgan | August 23, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Vision is blinding when given correctly. Kind of like Saul on that road to Damascus.
Posted by: Los | August 23, 2007 at 11:58 AM
Vision must be holistic and organic. Numeric visions lack authenticity and connectability.
People identify with real life not with math...
Thanks for the blog man. You and Seth Godin are great reads...keep the thoughts flowing into the virtual world!
Posted by: Marc Backes | August 23, 2007 at 12:21 PM
Great post Tony!
Posted by: Jon Lloyd | August 23, 2007 at 02:50 PM
Vision is the driving force behind everything we do, whether as a Christian, church, or organization. I love this blog because it's so important to re-visit the church's vision to make sure everyone is on track. Doing this in creative ways is essential. Loving what NewSpring is doing, keep it up!
Posted by: live98king | August 23, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Vision of change due to growth often must be communicated with a sense of urgency lest it be shrugged off by those who may adhere to the previous vision.
Posted by: Chris Martin | August 23, 2007 at 04:52 PM
Vision intrigues, informs and inspires...
But I also think many great visions get left for dead because there are not feet to carry it out, and the things that are once precious become familiar.
Great topic! Thanks for the post!
Posted by: Skyler Goodman | August 23, 2007 at 05:00 PM
If there isn't vision there is death (without vision my people perish). Which makes me wonder if that is why there are so many dying churches in our country.
Posted by: Tina Harkey | August 23, 2007 at 08:42 PM
Vision is not for everyone.
I'm a dreamer and a visionary by nature. Buying into a future hope is easy and exciting for me.
For some who aren't dreamers vision doesn't always make sense. That's ok, they're good at things I suck at and without their help I couldn't accomplish God's purposes in my life.
Great thoughts. Thank you for this post.
Posted by: Billy Chia | August 24, 2007 at 12:27 AM
What could and should be.
Posted by: Brian | August 24, 2007 at 01:46 PM
A vision that will inspire support and action must be born of a fundamental foundation or bedrock which is both worthy and sustainable in the eyes, minds and hearts of those expected to embrace the weight of the vision and overcome inevitable obstacles encountered on the journey towards fruition.
Posted by: Chip Schneider | August 26, 2007 at 11:50 AM
Hey Tony -
Thx for this. You are absolutely right...the top positional leader has to be the most passionate and loudest about a vision.
I would only add that clarity does not always come with passion and volume.
Many of the most renown church leaders can often be heard, yet their vision still not seen because of a lack of clarity and focus.
Vision without clarity is just a dream.
Posted by: Milan Ford | August 28, 2007 at 08:32 PM
I've had some conversations in recent days that have reminded me...
* Vision is easy when you launch.
* Vision is what distinguishes one organization from the next. Both may be great organizations. They just have unique visions.
* If you grow, eventually, someone will try to shift the vision in a different direction. That's a guarantee.
* People need to be reminded frequently of what the vision is and where you're going next.
* Sometimes you have to confront people and their agenda when it's not in line with the vision. Doesn't necessarily mean their agenda is wrong. Just means it's not your vision.
* Sometimes you have to ask a leader to step down if they can't fully support the vision. Doesn't mean they're not a good leader. Just means they're not your leader.
* Vision challenges can rock smaller organizations and go almost unnoticed in larger organizations.
* There's more vision stability in a larger organization, but also more opportunity for complacency.
* The vision needs to be big enough to capture the hearts of leaders.
* The vision rarely changes, but the immediate objectives for accomplishing the vision must constantly be defined.
* The top positional leader has to be the loudest voice and the most passionate champion for the vision. That role can't be delegated.
* Vision unifies.
What would you add to the list?
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Posted on August 23, 2007 at 08:46 AM in Leadership | Permalink
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Vision is contagious
Posted by: Bryan | August 23, 2007 at 08:59 AM
Vision must be communicated many different ways
Posted by: Kevin | August 23, 2007 at 10:32 AM
Vision is progressive. God never shows you everything upfront. But as you step out in faith and walk with Him, you begin to see things up close and personal that you didn't even think about when the journey began.
Posted by: missionalgirl | August 23, 2007 at 10:35 AM
Yes, missionalgirl! You nailed that one. It's so true.
Posted by: tony morgan | August 23, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Vision is blinding when given correctly. Kind of like Saul on that road to Damascus.
Posted by: Los | August 23, 2007 at 11:58 AM
Vision must be holistic and organic. Numeric visions lack authenticity and connectability.
People identify with real life not with math...
Thanks for the blog man. You and Seth Godin are great reads...keep the thoughts flowing into the virtual world!
Posted by: Marc Backes | August 23, 2007 at 12:21 PM
Great post Tony!
Posted by: Jon Lloyd | August 23, 2007 at 02:50 PM
Vision is the driving force behind everything we do, whether as a Christian, church, or organization. I love this blog because it's so important to re-visit the church's vision to make sure everyone is on track. Doing this in creative ways is essential. Loving what NewSpring is doing, keep it up!
Posted by: live98king | August 23, 2007 at 03:34 PM
Vision of change due to growth often must be communicated with a sense of urgency lest it be shrugged off by those who may adhere to the previous vision.
Posted by: Chris Martin | August 23, 2007 at 04:52 PM
Vision intrigues, informs and inspires...
But I also think many great visions get left for dead because there are not feet to carry it out, and the things that are once precious become familiar.
Great topic! Thanks for the post!
Posted by: Skyler Goodman | August 23, 2007 at 05:00 PM
If there isn't vision there is death (without vision my people perish). Which makes me wonder if that is why there are so many dying churches in our country.
Posted by: Tina Harkey | August 23, 2007 at 08:42 PM
Vision is not for everyone.
I'm a dreamer and a visionary by nature. Buying into a future hope is easy and exciting for me.
For some who aren't dreamers vision doesn't always make sense. That's ok, they're good at things I suck at and without their help I couldn't accomplish God's purposes in my life.
Great thoughts. Thank you for this post.
Posted by: Billy Chia | August 24, 2007 at 12:27 AM
What could and should be.
Posted by: Brian | August 24, 2007 at 01:46 PM
A vision that will inspire support and action must be born of a fundamental foundation or bedrock which is both worthy and sustainable in the eyes, minds and hearts of those expected to embrace the weight of the vision and overcome inevitable obstacles encountered on the journey towards fruition.
Posted by: Chip Schneider | August 26, 2007 at 11:50 AM
Hey Tony -
Thx for this. You are absolutely right...the top positional leader has to be the most passionate and loudest about a vision.
I would only add that clarity does not always come with passion and volume.
Many of the most renown church leaders can often be heard, yet their vision still not seen because of a lack of clarity and focus.
Vision without clarity is just a dream.
Posted by: Milan Ford | August 28, 2007 at 08:32 PM
He once said to me that if anything of his was remembered he thought it would be his poem, Lo, the Summer Girl.. This will then be followed by irregular motor manifestations until one of these withdraws the apparatus from perception and at the same time from pain, but on the reappearance of the perception this manifestation will immediately repeat itself (perhaps as a movement of flight) until the perception has again disappeared.. So far as I am concerned, said Mr.. The robbers were always the father, the ghosts more probably corresponded to feminine persons with white night-gowns.. Just then a remarkably handsome carriage drove up to the private door of the hotel.. This is not the only case in the organism in which an otherwise efficacious arrangement became inefficacious and disturbing as soon as some element is changed in the conditions of its origin; the disturbance then serves at least the new purpose of announcing the change, and calling into play against it the means of adjustment of the organism. Hotchkiss turned a sallow green.. In our theory of the dream we have attributed to the wish originating from the infantile the part of an indispensable motor for the formation of the dream.. I--I don't know where Mr.. Still sniffing, he climbed down to the dusty road-bed.. But when I looked at them through my glasses, I found no halo of real manliness.. Property in fee--title indisputable--terms of sale, cash--deeds ready for delivery immediately after the sale.. He felt her soft young fingers even through the lisle-thread gloves that encased them and the warm moisture of her lips upon his skin.. Won't two do ye? I ain't got but six bedrooms in th' house. A murmur ran round the court. Gideon--posi- tive -ly his las' puffawmunce.. Your crowd rather got the better of us there, he admitted with the keen appreciation of one still quite close to college days.. Wait till later in the season, and come again.. Now I will go and see about the tow.. Soon an old darkey appeared in the doorway, with his hat in hand, bowing, and scraping with one clumsy foot...
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM
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