more on prophecy
Prophecy is not the same thing as preaching..
The words preach and prophesy come from two entirely different Greek words. To "preach" means to proclaim, announce, cry, or tell. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and PREACH the gospel.." (Mark 16:15). Note that He didn't say to prophesy the Gospel.
The word prophecy means to "bubble up, to flow forth, or to cause to drop like rain." Teaching and preaching are preplanned, but prophecy is not.
The Bible tells us that we are to "Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things." I Thessalonians 5:20-21. When a prophecy is given, we are to test it and hold on to what is good in it.
Seven Ways to Judge Prophecy
1. By their fruits you shall know them.
(Matthew 7:16-18,20)
2. Does it glorify Christ?
(John 16:14; I Corinthians 12:3; I John 4:1-2)
3. Does it agree with the Scriptures? (Isaiah 8:20)
4. Are their prophecies fulfilled? (Deuteronomy 18:22) Some prophecies are not of God even though they may come to pass. The benchmark remains that all prophecies should exalt the Lord Jesus.
5. Is the prophecy disjointed or confused? True prophecy is line upon line and precept upon precept.
(Isaiah 28:13)
6. Do the prophecies produce liberty or bondage? (Romans 8:15)
7. All believers have an unction (anointing) within them that tells them when something is wrong. Prophecies should witness with our spirit.
(I John 2:20,27)
Why Is Prophecy Important?
There are five reasons why prophecy is so important in the local church:
1. It brings life. Prophecy brought life to the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-4).
2. It gives spiritual vision. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish.' The Lord gives vision through the prophetic word (Proverbs 29:13,18).
3. It edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3).
4. It brings revival and restoration. True prophecy brings restoration and revival (Acts 2:16-18).
5. It guides you to your right position in Christ. Prophecy is used by God to direct you where you need to go (Acts 13:1-3)
The words preach and prophesy come from two entirely different Greek words. To "preach" means to proclaim, announce, cry, or tell. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and PREACH the gospel.." (Mark 16:15). Note that He didn't say to prophesy the Gospel.
The word prophecy means to "bubble up, to flow forth, or to cause to drop like rain." Teaching and preaching are preplanned, but prophecy is not.
The Bible tells us that we are to "Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things." I Thessalonians 5:20-21. When a prophecy is given, we are to test it and hold on to what is good in it.
Seven Ways to Judge Prophecy
1. By their fruits you shall know them.
(Matthew 7:16-18,20)
2. Does it glorify Christ?
(John 16:14; I Corinthians 12:3; I John 4:1-2)
3. Does it agree with the Scriptures? (Isaiah 8:20)
4. Are their prophecies fulfilled? (Deuteronomy 18:22) Some prophecies are not of God even though they may come to pass. The benchmark remains that all prophecies should exalt the Lord Jesus.
5. Is the prophecy disjointed or confused? True prophecy is line upon line and precept upon precept.
(Isaiah 28:13)
6. Do the prophecies produce liberty or bondage? (Romans 8:15)
7. All believers have an unction (anointing) within them that tells them when something is wrong. Prophecies should witness with our spirit.
(I John 2:20,27)
Why Is Prophecy Important?
There are five reasons why prophecy is so important in the local church:
1. It brings life. Prophecy brought life to the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-4).
2. It gives spiritual vision. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish.' The Lord gives vision through the prophetic word (Proverbs 29:13,18).
3. It edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3).
4. It brings revival and restoration. True prophecy brings restoration and revival (Acts 2:16-18).
5. It guides you to your right position in Christ. Prophecy is used by God to direct you where you need to go (Acts 13:1-3)
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