// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Thursday, February 10, 2011

wow, very convicting.

What have been your biggest temptations as you’ve faced uncertainty this year and how have you dealt with them?

I think my biggest temptation has been making Plan B. I realize now it's a self-protective mechanism to keep me from feeling the fullness of where I am right now. Instead of asking God, what does trusting and obeying You in this moment look like, I was creating a plan in my mind of: if this happens, this is how I'll be prepared...this is what life will look like. Walking in biblical community was key in dealing with this. I was able to share where my heart and mind were self-protecting with trusted friends. They responded in love, pointing me to truth.

How has Matt’s cancer changed you?

The cancer has been like a sieve in which the Lord has sifted my heart. He has shown me the places onto which I still cling. He has shown me the labels I enjoy more than just being His child. He has asked me, do you really trust me? My theology has been tried and proven faithful. It is true that He works all things to the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. It is true that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. It is true that He keeps him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. It is true that He is in the heavens and does whatever pleases Him. It is true that He is the stability of our times.


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