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Thursday, April 21, 2011

donald glover interview from av club (yay, post 1000)

AVC: Also on your special, you mention that it’s a great time to be a black nerd. What is your nerdiest quality?

DG: I don’t know if this is a nerdy quality or just something left over from my uncle’s alcoholism, but I get obsessed with things very easily, things that don’t matter. I think that is a very nerdy quality to be like, “Oh this thing! I love it and I’m going to learn everything about it real soon.” I think that’s not just a nerdy quality, but people who achieve a lot, that’s something that helps them achieve, to be like, “Oh I like this thing. This thing is really cool.” When I found out about stand-up, I was like, “Why am I not doing this every night?” I must have done it every night. I would get out of 30 Rock and run to this place called The Creek in New York and run to UCB [Upright Citizens Brigade]. I was running everywhere, because I was like, “There’s all these venues and I can perform there for free!” I got really nerdy about it. Also, I was really into Sailor Moon as a kid, so that was pretty nerdy. I loved Sailor Mars. That was my thing. You know that weird teenage thing where you kind of dabble in, “What if you could make a cartoon real? Maybe she could be my girlfriend.” It was sadness.


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