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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

this george clooney interview is amazing

http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/04/14/080414fa_fact_parker?currentPage=all "The effort behind George Clooney’s effortless charm."
As befits a man who, at a charity auction last summer in the South of France, sold a kiss for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, Clooney has an unusually alert sense of his sphere of influence; he is more closely guided than most by a diligent inner director. If he knows not to scream too loudly on camera, he is also an intelligent political propagandist—he can predict how he’ll sound on the six-thirty news. And he has taken the trouble to think his way into the mind of the person inching up to his restaurant table for an autograph, or the friend of a friend who has become a little dizzy in his presence. (“Your job is to find the best way for those people to hold on to their dignity,” he explained to me. “For a second, they have thrown it out. They got what they came for”—the autograph, the handshake—“but then they’re standing there feeling, God, that horrible taste in their mouth: ‘What now, how do I walk away?’ ” As Clooney described it, they have to be shown a path back to their normal selves.)


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