// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Thursday, June 12, 2014

D&O: Sorry, I diverted the question. What are you going to miss about Austin? Mary Miller: Oh yeah, the vegetarian options, the awesome Mexican food, all the coffee shops, a handful of close friends. I’ll miss going to Magnolia with Greg, just the simple things. I’ll miss Barton Springs. I used to wake up early and go in the mornings when it was still free, before eight. As if three dollars makes a difference, but it’s like, “We’re here and we’re swimming for free!” But I guess if you go everyday it does make a difference. I was going three times a week, and it was just the best way to start your day ever. But, I don’t know. I’m also pretty ready to move on. I was talking to someone the other day who went to graduate school in Houston, and he said, “I love Houston, but after I finished grad school there, I felt like I couldn’t stay.” When you go to a certain place for a specific purpose and a finite amount of time, I think you have in your mind that you really need to reconfigure your life afterward, so it’s separate from what came before. And as much as I love Austin, I’ll be ready to leave. - See more at: http://downandoutmag.com/2014/03/28/the-last-days-of-texas-an-interview-with-mary-miller/#sthash.FkenrO91.dpuf


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