Practice Being A Fan Of Yourself
I know that I’m venturing into saccharine bumper sticker-sized therapy here, but an essential skill to doing this is recalling the feeling that you are fundamentally a funny person. Not the MOST funny, not the MOST charismatic, but just —— funny.
Once we like a performer, we are very forgiving of moments in which he or she falls short in a show. We barely notice them since we so surely believe that a better moment is coming down the road.
Can you simply decide to have that same attitude towards yourself?
You MUST believe that on some level you are funny or smart or charming or you wouldn’t have been able to walk into that first improv class.
Somewhere in you is the belief that you are good. Make that feeling grow. When you have a good scene in class, when you are funny in a conversation with someone at work, when you write a funny email — and you know it — hold onto that feeling. Picture it like a seedling sprouting in the vast prairies of your mind and give it water and sun. Let that feeling grow. It is ultimately what will solve the problem of being in your head forever: the belief that you are good, and that when things aren’t going well that you are a good person having a bad day.
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