It’s reductive to say that Curry has simply “improved” in recent years. The leap from All-Star consideration to MVP is an unbridgeable gap for almost any player—and he credits a small group of creative basketball minds with squeezing the extra juice out of his natural skill set. When he was rehabbing, for example, an elite training center in Charlotte called Accelerate Basketball designed skills routines he could work through entirely while seated—routines that dialed in his ball-handling even while he was off his feet. He describes tailor-made techniques “to shock your body, sensory things—like, goggles that flash in your face and obstruct your vision while you try to make accurate passes.” Some of these elements sound borrowed from the stuff that got the Apollo astronauts ready for the moon. Others are so finely tuned, so specifically designed for someone already at the top of the pyramid, that they remind me of when bodybuilders rep with tiny weights to get their most obscure muscles to pop.
The result is a style of play unlike any other in the NBA. Curry seems to move—with and without the ball—as though he’s tracing the scribbles of a kindergartner. Long, looping runs. Short, sharp cuts in claustrophobic corners. All great shooters seek to reduce the space between the catch and release, but Curry is the only player who seems to have eliminated that space altogether. When he fires from long range, the motion has more in common with a volleyball set than a basketball shot, the ball trampolining off his fingers. Curry shoots more now than ever before, and he makes more, too—more threes in the 2014–15 season, in fact, than any player in NBA history.
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