// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Friday, October 28, 2016


God, I love Caitriona Balfe so damned much. She's utterly convincing in every aspect of that character, and she manages to be sexy simply because of the strength and bravery which she imbues Clare with. People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that giving a woman a gun or a fight scene makes that woman a strong female character, when it's much more than that. It's about the choices they make, the things they aren't broken by, and the way they take charge of their own fate. Clare Fraser is one of the best examples of this on television at the moment.
-- Brother Anselm gets more time in the books and I wish he did here too. He's a great character because he's the only person beside Jamie that Claire encounters who has the education and imagination to hear her story. He helps her work through some of her doubts and guilt about her situation. It felt pretty rushed in the episode.


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