// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Monday, February 04, 2019


The backbone of her work isn’t a penchant for dark comedy or a willingness to showcase unlikable characters; it’s a fixation on behavioral grooves, on people who are stuck in their own lives. Sleeping With Other People features her cuddliest characters, but they still find each other in a sex and love addiction meeting, and must overcome compulsions to return to relationships and sexual habits that harm them. In Bachelorette, Fisher’s dim-bulb Katie slowly morphs from comic relief into a harrowing depiction of substance use and despair. “I’m telling the same story over and over again, just the worst night ever,” Headland said. “I think it was Truffaut who said that every filmmaker makes one film, breaks it apart, and makes the same film again. … I think I’m too young to figure out what that film is, but I do feel I keep telling the same story.”


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