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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

veronica mars: season 2, episode 18

VERONICA VOICEOVER: Peter, as I have learned from his postings, had, in his words, "yellow fever," and was extremely hot for a certain teacher. There was one incident in Peter's permanent file. It didn't say what happened, only that it involved Mr. Wu. Can't help but wonder if teacher decided to take a pet.


He spots her.

MR. WU: Ah. Hello, Veronica.

She smiles and steps into the room.

VERONICA: Would you like to donate to the yearbook tribute for the kids on the bus?
MR. WU: Of course, I've been meaning to.

He goes to get his wallet.

VERONICA: I figured. Peter was a friend of mine. I know the two of you had a connection.
MR. WU: I'm sorry for your loss, you must miss him.
VERONICA: Do you...miss him?
MR. WU: As a bright and dedicated student, yes. In the way I think you're implying, no.

He hands her some cash and goes back to his tidying.

VERONICA: Peter was gearing up for what he called "the outing of all outings." I was wondering if he was pulling his favorite teacher out of the closet.
MR. WU: Veronica, I think that when you get out in the world a little more, you'll, you'll discover that not all well-dressed, articulate, detail-oriented men are gay. Many of them are just Asian.



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