// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Thursday, December 03, 2009

keller in nymag 11/09

Whoa, these comments are pretty great. In response to a post awhile ago, I wanted to say that Redeemer's congregation is definitely not all full of wall streeters...I live in Brooklyn and eat ramen for dinner most nights and going to Redeemer is the highlight of my week, so it remains a pretty class-less place in my opinion.
Also, when this article dropped my first thought was not about whether or not it would slam Redeemer. I was most concerned that it would put too much emphasis on Tim as a leader and Redeemer as a church, whether the attention was good or bad. Somegal is right by saying that its dangerous to put too much on Tim- he is a great intellectual who has studied this stuff extensively and is an incredibly gifted orator, but he is no more human than you or I.
Lastly, if we were stranded on an island and had to make a shelter, do you think we would argue about what style house we should build or what color the walls should be? Maybe. But before we got to that we would have to first see what kind of materials were available and pick a place to build. I think the main issue is not human rights, although definitely important. The main issue is that we disagree about Jesus being who he says he is, because the answer to than question provides our answers to every other one.


By BLAIRBear on 12/02/2009 at 12:11pm

Read more: Why Are So Many New Yorkers Flocking to Evangelical Christian Preacher Tim Keller? -- New York Magazine http://nymag.com/news/features/62374/comments.html#comments#ixzz0Yc3XcsPD


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