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Friday, April 02, 2010

"life" = the count of monte cristo?

Eugene Freedman said...
This is a cross post as I missed the weekly discussion and just caught up on the show after a week ago. People were wondering where Rachel and the conspiracy were going.

I started watching for Damian Lewis, but after one episode I realized that the plot was the Count of Monte Cristo, my favorite novel.

Of course, Crews is Edmond Dantes, wrongfully imprisoned, escaping to riches, ultimately to figure out the conspiracy and seek revenge.

Rachel is tougher to figure out, but she is Haydee, daughter of Ali Pasha, betrayed and killed by Fernand Mondego de Morcerf. Fernand Mondego de Morcerf also was part of the consipiracy that sent Dantes to prison. Haydee was then sold into slavery. Once Dantes finds her and figures out who she is, he purchases her from her master and she chooses to stay with him, even though he sets her free. Eventually she gives the key evidence in the trial of Fernand Mondego de Morcerf (Jack Reese).

Albert de Morcerf, Fernand's son, becomes very close with Dantes and after learning of his actions, disowns his father and mother. Let's just call Dani Reese Albert de Morcerf.

Oh, and did you think it's a coincidence that Crews' ex-wife drives a Mercedes? That's the name of Dantes fiancee who Fernand stole as part of the conspiracy.

Oh, and Crews' mother died when he was in prison, like Dantes' heartbroken father.

Well adapted. I recommend the book (unabridged) to everyone.

11:42 AM, NOVEMBER 08, 2008


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