// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sarah had been pushed to a breaking point already by everything she had seen Chuck endure. She has a clear view of the danger and risk to Chuck’s life that nobody else seems to care about as long as whatever happens gets him to flash … preferably without getting him killed; but as long as he flashes, Captain Crazy won’t quibble over minor details. The “safety net” line is absolutely one of my favorites. Perfect delivery that clearly indicated Sarah thought everybody was nuts. I agree.

If he had a gun or even a tranque gun, she could feel better. This is where I differ from Jason. Chuck is perfectly capable of shooting without the Intersect. He killed Shaw without it and has used a tranque pistol many times without flashing. However, this exercise is expressly to get him to flash, so he has no weapons. That’s part of the problem, to everyone else it’s an exercise. To Sarah it’s real danger. So, without the Intersect OR any weapons and with no partner apart from a moronic scientist, Chuck is indeed defenseless.

Everyone is so focused on the Intersect, they have forgotten Chuck. This both frustrates and infuriates her. She is the only one looking out for Chuck, including Chuck. If Chuck doesn’t get the Intersect back, it’s not the end of the world. If she doesn’t get Chuck back, it IS the end of the world.

That’s the context of her outburst. As Dave said, she regretted it on many levels, but I can certainly understand where it’s coming from.

by thinkling November 19, 2010 at 8:19 am



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