// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I wonder how dependent falling in love is on witnessing how a new person experiences everyday things and being roused to affection by it. I wonder how dependent staying in love is on witnessing how a familiar person experiences new things and having affection renewed by it.
There is much to say about the man I am in love with and about sharing morning meals with him. But love in the present is something already too big to behold in one heart. I am superstitious about speaking too much or too soon about it, that it might shrivel under the inadequacy of whatever anecdote I use to illustrate it. So I will speak not of a meal but of a culinary demonstration he gave me. Upon learning that I did not know how to fry an egg, he walked me through the process, devoting time to even the most seemingly inconsequential steps. It was precisely these steps that I’ve missed for years in my failed attempts. He asks if I am following along, and I am. We look at each other instead of straight ahead. He still fries the eggs when we’re together but now I can make them on my own when he isn’t around. But I hope that he always is.


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