// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Why do we feel compelled to give advice when no one really takes it? One of the great joys of writing an advice column is that people are taking my advice for the first time in my life. Your friends call you on the phone and they ask for your advice, but they don’t want it; what they really want is to tell you how they feel. And since most of us had parents who didn’t have the time or energy to truly get us, we’re kind of looking for that experience over and over again. Giving and pretending we want advice is the loose structure by which we seek to understand and be understood.
https://aeon.co/essays/nothing-embodies-powerlessness-quite-like-dirty-laundry http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/10/ask-polly-why-do-you-always-recommend-therapy.html http://www.onbeing.org/blog/courtney-martin-avoiding-the-caricature-trap-listen-beyond-the-words-part-ii/8779 http://www.onbeing.org/blog/courtney-martin-the-conversation-we-must-have-with-our-white-children/8806 http://www.rabbitblog.com/


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