TEN Random Things About Me
10. I hate hate hate when tomato seeds (the EXACT color and consistency of boogers) soak through the bun on sandwiches. In fact, I would much rather eat boogers. Just not on sandwiches.
9. I love the harmonica - a joyful noise and a mournful lament in the same breath.
8. I spent eleven years in Chinese school and learned nothing. Everything I know is from conversing with my parents and various aunts and uncles.
7. I wore my Nickel Creek shirt today to Safeway. A dude saw and said "hey, the band right?" and I smiled. "Good, I was just trying to make sure it wasn't, like, a tourist attraction or something." "Oh, no, it's definitely the band... although I think there's a creek called Nickel in Texas." "Haha, but who goes to Texas... right?" ... I was born in Texas. But I didn't want to be That Girl who ruins attempts at sociability.
6. Sometimes I like the smell of sweat. But only my own. Sometimes.
5. I giggle when I see clearance racks with signs that advertise pants (ie, "Pants, 75% off"), every time.
4. I would have no qualms being a one hit wonder in the music business. However, I only sound good to myself, because I have the wondrous ability to tune everything else out and hear only the existing melody and voice in my head, like if I heard it off the radio or something.
3. I played the saxophone for one year in middle school.
2. I have spent so much time showing you how much I am the same that I have failed to show how I am different. Trust me, this is the case with everyone.
1. I have a tremendous crush on Jim Carrey. I am made ashamed of this every time he talks out of his butt.
NINE Places I've Visited
9. Japan
8. London
7. Yosemite
6. New York City
5. Birmingham / Selma, AL
4. Switzerland
3. black sand beach, hi (wheeeee EPIC sp 2005)
1. Denali National Park, Alaska
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. Understand what it is to give and receive perfect love.
7. Live one summer where I surf every day.
6. learn to play guitar - then record an album.
5. Compete in a sled dog race in or around Nome, AK.
4. maintain an ongoing letter ministry, thanking and encouraging those who have supported and encouraged me.
3. Eat sashimi from fish I catch myself.
2. be a mentor and a counselor to someone who eerily reminds myself of me.
1. answer only to the LORD, broken and humble before him.
SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. make me laugh, even if i'm only remembering something you've said.
6. be open, and openly giving.
5. have music in your heart.
4. {stolen} appreciate and love your family.
3. keep my feet warm.
2. love your neighbor as yourself...
1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30), and all those things will follow.
SIX Things I believe
6. strength is relative to the righteous desire behind it.
5. loving extravagantly requires not expecting it to return to you.
4. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle
3. there is no situation that cannot be improved with ice cream.
2. laughter draws the single quickest line between strangers.
1. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:30-31
FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. myself... my weariness, my insecurities, my neediness.
4. extremists; that is, the hard and unyielding to the point of unfeeling.
3. umbrellas. *shudder*
1. blind faith. (i guess that goes along with #4?)
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
4. cds + clock radio with cd player. heh.
3. journal. so pretty. =0)
2. roll of caution tape stolen from angela.
1. BED
THREE Things I do everyday
3. wonder, why me? and shake my head. (both in response to positive and negative things... why me in desperation when it rains, why me in awe and gratitude when it shines.)
2. laugh ! till it hurts ! tee hee.
1. contemplate the universe.
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
2. be anxious about the future
1. view love, in total abandon, as a damnable sickness or weakness.
ONE Person I want to see right now
1. moll :D ( sounding off )
10. I hate hate hate when tomato seeds (the EXACT color and consistency of boogers) soak through the bun on sandwiches. In fact, I would much rather eat boogers. Just not on sandwiches.
9. I love the harmonica - a joyful noise and a mournful lament in the same breath.
8. I spent eleven years in Chinese school and learned nothing. Everything I know is from conversing with my parents and various aunts and uncles.
7. I wore my Nickel Creek shirt today to Safeway. A dude saw and said "hey, the band right?" and I smiled. "Good, I was just trying to make sure it wasn't, like, a tourist attraction or something." "Oh, no, it's definitely the band... although I think there's a creek called Nickel in Texas." "Haha, but who goes to Texas... right?" ... I was born in Texas. But I didn't want to be That Girl who ruins attempts at sociability.
6. Sometimes I like the smell of sweat. But only my own. Sometimes.
5. I giggle when I see clearance racks with signs that advertise pants (ie, "Pants, 75% off"), every time.
4. I would have no qualms being a one hit wonder in the music business. However, I only sound good to myself, because I have the wondrous ability to tune everything else out and hear only the existing melody and voice in my head, like if I heard it off the radio or something.
3. I played the saxophone for one year in middle school.
2. I have spent so much time showing you how much I am the same that I have failed to show how I am different. Trust me, this is the case with everyone.
1. I have a tremendous crush on Jim Carrey. I am made ashamed of this every time he talks out of his butt.
NINE Places I've Visited
9. Japan
8. London
7. Yosemite
6. New York City
5. Birmingham / Selma, AL
4. Switzerland
3. black sand beach, hi (wheeeee EPIC sp 2005)
1. Denali National Park, Alaska
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
8. Understand what it is to give and receive perfect love.
7. Live one summer where I surf every day.
6. learn to play guitar - then record an album.
5. Compete in a sled dog race in or around Nome, AK.
4. maintain an ongoing letter ministry, thanking and encouraging those who have supported and encouraged me.
3. Eat sashimi from fish I catch myself.
2. be a mentor and a counselor to someone who eerily reminds myself of me.
1. answer only to the LORD, broken and humble before him.
SEVEN Ways to win my heart
7. make me laugh, even if i'm only remembering something you've said.
6. be open, and openly giving.
5. have music in your heart.
4. {stolen} appreciate and love your family.
3. keep my feet warm.
2. love your neighbor as yourself...
1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30), and all those things will follow.
SIX Things I believe
6. strength is relative to the righteous desire behind it.
5. loving extravagantly requires not expecting it to return to you.
4. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle
3. there is no situation that cannot be improved with ice cream.
2. laughter draws the single quickest line between strangers.
1. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:30-31
FIVE Things I'm afraid of
5. myself... my weariness, my insecurities, my neediness.
4. extremists; that is, the hard and unyielding to the point of unfeeling.
3. umbrellas. *shudder*
1. blind faith. (i guess that goes along with #4?)
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
4. cds + clock radio with cd player. heh.
3. journal. so pretty. =0)
2. roll of caution tape stolen from angela.
1. BED
THREE Things I do everyday
3. wonder, why me? and shake my head. (both in response to positive and negative things... why me in desperation when it rains, why me in awe and gratitude when it shines.)
2. laugh ! till it hurts ! tee hee.
1. contemplate the universe.
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
2. be anxious about the future
1. view love, in total abandon, as a damnable sickness or weakness.
ONE Person I want to see right now
1. moll :D ( sounding off )
hello fellow creekster! yay i love your blog it is pretty. :) you spelled boogars wrong on the random things about you...its bogars! hahaha. i have a question for you: what does sashimi taste like? and, what do hurl jellybeans taste like? hmm...i should be more adventurous. see you later! ^^
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
dip dip dip
aiyah it is NOT 'bogars'. that rhymes with ogres.
sashimi tastes like... a savory iceberg. i don't know. it's really good really cold though. it's a distinctive taste.
i'd imagine hurl jellybeans taste like hurl. but, you don't have to take my word for me it... (reading rainbow moment)
steph, at 2:15 AM
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