// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Monday, July 18, 2016

pineapple fanta + fish sauce
I can smell dinner before I even walk in the front door. Anne’s making a roast chicken based on a recipe we got from Senator John McCain. I covered his 2000 presidential race, and he had some of the reporters over to his vacation home in Sedona, Arizona. He grills like mad when he entertains — on several grills all lined up. He puts the chicken on the grill covered in Hog’s Breath, a seasoning from a Key West bar. He then bastes the chicken with lemon constantly. It’s delicious. It also works perfectly with pork. It is perhaps my favorite meal that we cook at home. Not the fanciest, and certainly not the most complicated, but when your house is encased in snow and it’s an election year, where sleep and time at home are scarce, it makes it feel like it’s your birthday every time you have it.


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