I want to tell you something, though, about relationships. It’s very easy and therefore very common to fall into a pattern of believing and living as if your partner is one unchanging entity and that you are also one unchanging entity. That the future is pretty set, that at Hanukkah you visit your family, and in the spring, you clean out the garage, and that in three to five years, you’ll start trying for kids, and he’ll be a banker until he dies, and you’ll be a carpenter until you die, or she’ll always be a little bit bossy, and you’ll always be a little too withholding. Often we believe we have set futures and we buy into them, and having a partner can add a sort of pressure to stay on that path aiming for that future. It takes a lot of effort as half of a couple to shake yourself out of that belief, to live as if anything could (and might) happen, as if you could make anything happen.
Do some sh*t that feels uncomfortable or scary right now that isn’t about love or impressing someone. Do some sh*t that’s about impressing you. That’s about looking back at your life and knowing you tried things that you wanted to try. It doesn’t have to be scary to anyone else. It can be “boring” from the outside. Pick three things that you really, really want to do and try to do them by the end of the year. Maybe you hate one, maybe one is simply too much work, maybe you can’t believe you waited this long to become a cheesemonger.
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