i was just thinking...who is the target audience for this blog? who am i really writing for when i write here? it's such a great form of catharsis, being able to write out what i'm thinking, how i'm feeling, how my day has gone. it's where i can be weird and crazy and just completely off-the-wall (and, of course, blogger also comes with the ability to edit my posts later if i go back and go "what the hell...", haha, but i don't think i'll be using that handy feature), and serious and boring all at the same time. this is basically entertainment for myself. who am i kidding...who's reading my blog anyhow? who hasn't stumbled upon it just because it's the only thing on my domain right now? i don't know...correct/forgive me if i sound a little bitter right now, it's not intentional. i'm just going through a meltdown right here at home...and the door next to my comp that keeps slamming shut due to the lovely summer breeze that's going through my house right now is DRIVING ME CRAZY..........
(yes, i am completely sane. last time i checked, at least. ;)
oh...to whoever reads this blog, thanks. really. i started doing this because i thought it'd be fun to utilize this direct-post thingy, and now it's becoming almost a habit. it's funny how you get attached to the smallest things and look back later and marvel at how you were able to function without it. heh.