// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


But the Toast's biggest gift to me was permission to rethink my relationship with a lot of the Western canon. It took a long time to realize that much of the art I was told is good did not anticipate me in the audience. The Toast's satire was medicine for the slight tightness in my chest when I walk into another museum filled with paintings of clothed men and dead-eyed, nude women, or my inability to swallow yet more novels with self-serious male anti-heroes and decorative women (here's looking at you, Jack Kerouac). It's like the old saying: Laughter is the best cure for the nauseating omnipresence of the male gaze. Thanks, the Toast.




Monday, April 23, 2018


Sunday, April 22, 2018

have things that are your own


Saturday, April 21, 2018


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Monday, April 16, 2018

cool viral marketing for valerian, killing eve

killing eve: i was so sad when i found out we weren't actually going to see phoebe waller-bridge on this show. as a writer i should've known better: she's in every line and every breath in between


Saturday, April 14, 2018

marvelous mrs maisel 103

34:39 hi, everybody. are you ready for some more music? nice. so, first time at a jazz club, raise your hand. just me? wow. only virgin. losing my virginity to a bunch of jazz musicians, every jewish mother's worst nightmare. anyway, i was outside talking to the guys, and lindsey here whips out his... wallet. what did you think i was going to say? his penis. no. that was already out. so, he pulled out a picture of his really cute baby, very adorable, and then someone asked me if i had kids, and i said yes, and they asked to see a picture, and i realized... i don't have one. i've got two kids. no picture. i've got everything else in the world in my purse. i've got a... look, a-a diners club card, a compact, one, two, three-- three lipsticks, three. two lips, three lipsticks. nail polish, cigarettes, a corn pad, and a kotex sanitary belt. it comes in white now, ladies, so rush right out. i mean, if my kids got kidnapped and i had to describe them, i'd have to say "they look like kids. i-i don't know. the whosit's got a head. the other one's got a... head." [pulls out dr. spock book] anyone know this fucker? dr. spock. i had never read this, not until my son started doing this really weird thing where i wake up and he's staring at me like he's planning things. and-and i'm thinking, "well, right now he's small. i can take him. but in a few years... so i turned to the expert. and one of the things he says is, "trust yourself. you know more than you think you do." are you fucking kidding me? that's his sage advice? "you got this"? trust me, i don't got this. and now, now i'm thinking "a, i could have used the money i spent on this stupid book on a fourth lipstick, and b, what if i wasn't supposed to be a mother? what if i picked the wrong profession? if you're afraid of blood, you don't become a surgeon. if you don't like to fly, you don't join pan am. i-i can't change my mind and donate my kids to the library, like i'm gonna do with this book. [drops] oh, my god, i'm awful. i mean, women are supposed to be mothers. it's supposed to be natural. it comes with the tits, right? the equipment is pre-installed. i mean, are there exceptions? what if some of us are just supposed to travel a lot? or run 24-hour diners out in rural areas wearing coveralls? what if some of us are supposed to just talk to adults our entire life? oh, i never thought about any of this before tonight. ethan's gonna know. he's gonna look at my face when i get home and figure out he has to accelerate the plan. fuck. i thought this was supposed to be a fun evening, filled with music and smoking pot with a bunch of strange men in an alley, and instead i'm filled with dread and doubts and i am starving. why am i starving? do they serve food here? is lenny bruce boring at home? like, at home is he all, "have you seen my red socks?" and then he comes on stage and he's all "i'm going to put a little airplane glue on a rag and fuck, shit, cock, prick." are those pretzels? [leaves stage] mm. delicious. what? you gotta introduce the band! oh, shit! lindsey trent and the hot three! 38:03

Friday, April 13, 2018

a really good day

it was dansui. and my mom was holding my stuff for me while i tried to knock out a tic tac toe grid. i could do it until a crowd started gathering. walked away empty handed. but she was there. she saw me. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2018


michaela watkins, kingslayer - first person to kill him onstage during his show "unfairly a stone cold genius" "a guy walks into a pottery barn. a guy walks out. what happened?" "a gay guy?" "a guy guy!" he was wearing his coat on amtrak - they found glen's wallet carhart eight days ago - 45% dna match - haven't responded yet (scott kelly astronaut 1%) they can measure your age by taking your wrist density - like a tree! "deception" CHANGE THE CONFIGURATION formaldehyde frog truly the only way to deal, wind down? watch tonight's "atlanta"

Wednesday, April 11, 2018



Tuesday, April 10, 2018

did he say "it's gonna feature javy lopez with a black guy"

Monday, April 09, 2018

thom kem??

slovakian pulled noodles https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2017/03/vietnamese-style-baked-chicken-recipe.html https://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/article/18325/overthinking-it-all-i-really-need-to-know-about-baseball-i-learned-from-bill-veeck/ valle de guadalupe https://longreads.com/2017/11/07/the-unforgiving-minute/ jennifer pan stuyvesant student zuckerberg buddhist documentary child god dave fleming tim tebow claire morgan https://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin/cheat-sheets-for-healthier-cooking?utm_term=.cjB2yR4W4k#.eqnzK36D6k https://www.buzzfeed.com/farrahpenn/cheap-road-trips-you-need-to-make-if-you-want-to-explore-o?utm_term=.nwgzBGR8Rn#.kfRo6pDqDK protracted shoulders exercises reckless optimism implicit association test https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2015/08/02/how-each-mbti-type-reacts-to-stress-and-how-to-help/ zadie smith raves http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/18683274/in-world-stats-baseball-best-player music notes that make you cry https://www.buzzfeed.com/kassycho/background-asian?utm_term=.qaKmaD3032#.kxjWqw4A4J https://thoughtcatalog.com/kirsten-corley/2017/02/this-is-how-you-really-love-someone-through-depression/ http://www.cooksscience.com/articles/feature/feeling-the-pull/ https://waitingfornextyear.com/2013/01/trevor-bauer-eccentric-or-just-smarter-than-the-rest-of-us/ http://www.deferredjustice.com/blog/2017/3/10/the-cause https://hazlitt.net/longreads/legion-lonely https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/09/24/colin-kaepernick-vs-tim-tebow-a-tale-of-two-christianities-on-its-knees/ https://heleo.com/facts-dont-change-peoples-minds-heres/16242/ gil ozeri men super deluxe https://kotaku.com/game-about-being-an-asshole-goose-looks-hilarious-1819138767 https://rberryblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/11/dr-piper-lecrae-facts-about-white-evangelicalism/ https://www.gq.com/story/jason-isbell-george-saunders-in-conversation the atlantic catfish model https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/10/31/16572078/reddit-most-beautiful-songs-spotify-playlist https://electricliterature.com/why-the-good-place-personality-test-is-better-than-the-myers-briggs-6970feff02ee fungus turns ants into suicidal zombies the last of us lazor wulf https://vimeo.com/248099486 unforgivable: eliza https://bust.com/tv/194166-snl-asian-american-women.html theology of play asian games baseball mcmansion hell https://gizmodo.com/fbis-use-of-paid-best-buy-informants-goes-deeper-than-w-1823561496 https://www.tor.com/2018/01/16/i-belong-where-the-people-are-disability-and-the-shape-of-water/ http://sprudge.com/coffee-ice-cream-party-los-angeles-46250.html http://www.blackpast.org/1981-audre-lorde-uses-anger-women-responding-racism https://www.theawl.com/2017/02/haruki-murakamis-metaphysics-of-food/ http://kore.am/daniel-dae-kim-takes-hollywoods-diversity-problem-into-his-own-hands/ https://www.marxists.org/subject/art/lit_crit/works/leguin/carrier-bag.htm https://slate.com/culture/2018/02/how-darko-grncarov-tricked-serena-williams-and-the-bbc.html https://www.topic.com/the-forgotten-zine-of-1960s-asian-american-radicals https://thewalrus.ca/the-case-against-reading-everything/ http://davidsimon.com/the-frauds-of-memory-the-limits-of-penitence-and-baseball/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/veep-girls-atlanta-scribes-reveal-secrets-writers-rooms-required-arguments-group-therapy-1013526 https://tabledit.tumblr.com/post/167913849688/writing-a-scene-part-i-what-does-every-scene https://ask.metafilter.com/312918/The-year-of-Barbie-Girl-Princess-Di-and-Ally-McBeal https://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/article/18325/overthinking-it-all-i-really-need-to-know-about-baseball-i-learned-from-bill-veeck/ http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/63440290


Sunday, April 08, 2018



Lee Jessup: What excites you about a writer and makes you want to get in business with them? Zadoc Angell: It’s talent and personality. Particularly in television, you have to be great on the page and great in person. It starts with the page, which is important. You won’t meet with someone until you read a pilot that you love. So the person has to be talented on the page and then when you meet with them they should have an outgoing personality and be social and know how to talk about themselves and tell their life story — so that I walk away certain that this is a person that other people will want to be with, hang out with, and hire down the road. I definitely represented some very introverted writers in my career – a few of them spring to mind – and unfortunately their careers tend to be limited because this is such a social business and ultimately writers hire other writers. So, unless you are making those relationships in television, you are not going to get very far up the ladder before just being talented times out. You really have to have both sides of yourself. One of the tests that I have is that I love asking people their story. Like you did with me asking about where I grew up. At Echo Lake that’s a major part of every writer meeting. We want to hear where you grew up, where you went to college, where your first job was, how you decided to be a writer and chase your dream, I LOVE that stuff and it shows me so much. It shows me how people talk about themselves and their lives. If they are a comedy writer, do they have funny anecdotes and jokes and stories? Are they interested in their own life? There’s nothing worse than talking to someone and asking them where they grew up and where they came from and they don’t even think their own story is interesting. That’s kind of sad. So one of the things I teach in my UCLA Extension class is being able to tell your story and having funny and interesting anecdotes at the ready and telling it in a way that shows passion about your own life. That gives a representative confidence that you’re going to be able to communicate that kind of passion and enthusiasm and energy to showrunners and executives and the people who do the hiring in the room.
Writers need to prepare what they want another person to know about themselves. What their key selling points are. Be able to talk about your life story in an interesting way. People will think their own life stories are boring. Not everyone can grow up on a dairy farm and come to Hollywood like I did. I love my story, I love telling it, but I want my clients to love their stories too. Talk about where you’re from and if you are that kid that grew up in Orange County and went to USC and now you work in TV and film, still find a way to make it interesting. Find points in your life story where you maybe took a different path or made an unexpected choice or, if you’re a comedy writer, had something really funny and embarrassing happen to you.

http://www.scriptmag.com/features/columns/breaking-in/writers-breaking-in-interview-florida-blindspot http://www.scriptmag.com/features/breaking-entering-inside-screenwriting-industry-politics


Saturday, April 07, 2018


In that moment, I had no compassion for writing is hard, even though I have made the same complaint countless times. I had no compassion because I could see in my friend what I couldn’t, in my ugliest moments of narcissistic self-loathing, see in myself: that neither of us had anything real obstructing the will to write. That there is no compelling reason to write except for love of writing: The money is bad, the moments of recognition come slowly and rarely, and neither are ever enough to live on. If their lack will destroy you, then you’re meant for something else. Nobody will hold their breath or a gun to your head for your sentences. And if the thing you wrote won’t sell, then all there is to do is write another. Writing is hard, yes. But if you want it, you want it.


During the ensuing nap I borrowed a ball from the front desk and tooled around on the patchily frozen Grizzlies-themed half court near the building. The game had always been a sanctuary—a worship of spheres in a church built by angles, bounces and swishes and clangs the staccato bursts above a rhythmic inner hymn. And to the unbelieving passersby it must seem a fanatic ritual, indeed, these jumpers and twisting turnarounds over phantom defenders as spasmodic as speaking in tongues. A thirty-minute mass, however cold the nave, is plenty to jar the blood; that basketball could once again become a daily routine, spirit-stirring in full.

Friday, April 06, 2018


People who tell me the same stories fall into a few categories: 1. They are old and don't remember telling me that story. 2. They probably have a lot of stories, but their favorite anecdotes are easily triggered by a variety of stimuli. 3. They have led boring lives. They're not boring people, per se, but they were raised in suburbia and their real-life experiences were exchanged for countless hours of TV and console gaming (hint to young people out there). Julie Delpy's character does not strike me as any of those people. http://film.avclub.com/1802131868 pico, I was lucky enough to interview her and Linklater (EH was there via phone) at Sundance, and she is easily the most enchanting person I've ever had the chance to spend more than a few minutes with. She's even more beautiful in person than she is in the movie, in that sort-of personality-is-her-beauty way. Linklater is a god too. You could tell the three love each other so much.

Thursday, April 05, 2018



http://www.tvjamie.com/my-blog http://www.tracking-board.com/category/jobs/assistant-jobs/

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

https://invada.bandcamp.com/album/annihilation-music-from-the-motion-picture https://www.npr.org/2018/03/01/585356494/the-austin-100-a-2018-sxsw-mixtape https://twitter.com/iSmashFizzle/status/972911954997252103



Tuesday, April 03, 2018


https://www.mlbshop.com/san-francisco-giants/san-francisco-giants-stadium-poncho/t-14014461+p-1499680098076+z-9-3513932313 https://www.mlbshop.com/san-francisco-giants/newborn-san-francisco-giants-new-era-black-shadow-tot-dub-cuffed-knit-hat/t-14019949+p-5776550882619+z-9-3375597157


Monday, April 02, 2018
