// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

tony defines adulthood...

This blog is written to ADULTS…what is an adult you ask?

Adults firmly live out their IDENTITY IN CHRIST. Do worldly standards dictate how you look, act and feel? Do your friends? Are you living by works? Or do you believe what God says you are in Him?

Adults COMMUNICATE GENUINELY. They do not set up false masks so that they can save face. They openly talk about what they are feeling and what are their expectations. Be straight up; say what you mean, mean what you say!

Adults GUARD THEIR HEART. They take what people say at face value. If a guy asks a girl for coffee, it’s just coffee not a wedding ring. If a guy states he’d like to get to know a girl more, that is it…not a full on commitment. Take things one step at a time and trust God’s timing. Set good boundaries!

Adults do NOT OVERSPIRITUALIZE GOD’S WILL. I challenge anyone who can show me Biblically how one is supposed to choose Janey over Bertha! God calls us to live Godly lives. Be a Godly person…that’s it…pray for wisdom, repent of your sins, live in the power of the Holy Spirit, etc. If you’re in a right relationship with God, you will naturally make GODLY decisions, including who to date and who to marry.

Are any one of these aspects new to you? Talk to an older beleiver about how you can develop these life skills. I wasn’t exposed to these until well into college even though I thought I knew a lot coming from a strong youth group.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

hot fuzz :)

DS Andy Wainwright: You do know there are more guns in the country than there are in the city.
DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin' round here!
Nicholas Angel: Like who?
DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
Nicholas Angel: Who else?
DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers' mums.

Tim Messenger: Sergeant Angel, Hi hi. Quick word for the Sandford Citizen?
Nicholas Angel: Uh, it was very enjoyable.
Tim Messenger: 'Cop Enjoys Watching Young Lovers'?
Nicholas Angel: I don't think so.
Tim Messenger: 'Local Bobby Gives Thumbs Up to Teen Suicide'?
Nicholas Angel: That's just grossly inappropriate.

john wesley: what is sin?

“Take this rule: whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself.” - susanna wesley

Friday, May 15, 2009

proverbs 30

7 Two things I ask of you;
deny them not to me before I die:
8 Remove far from me falsehood and lying;
give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,
9 lest I be full and deny you
and say, “Who is the Lord?”
or lest I be poor and steal
and profane the name of my God.

aww... office.

The interview with Michael right afterwards is poignant and full of Michael Scott logic. I'm just going to reprint it here since it was so well written:

"I didn't find the perfect moment because today was just about having today. And I think we are one of those couples with a long story when people ask how we found each other. I will see her every now and then ... and maybe one year she's with somebody, and maybe another year I'm with somebody, and it's going to take a long time. And then it's perfect."

I can only say that I really hope Michael ends up with Holly at some point in the series. They truly are soup-snakes.