aww. adam :)
so heres what i'm going to finish with. when i think about my kids, if i have kids, if we're blessed with a boy or blessed with a girl, when i'm on the epic summer project, i think my biggest role is to be a spiritual father. it's not to be a leader, it's not to be a shepherd, i think my biggest role is to be a spirtual father. little weird for me, cause it's not (real).
this is what i want to say to you guys. uh, if you're a woman, i want you to know that you're beautiful. i want you to know that you're beautiful, and you're lovely, and i want the best for you. i want you to know that you can do a lot in your life. and i think youre strong, and you can do it.
and if youre a guy, i wanna tell you that you're a man among men. and that i'm proud of you for who you are and i think you can change the world. now, whatever anyone's said about what you cant do or who you're not, i believe you are and you can and you will. and i believe you guys are going to change the world, and you guys are going to change the asian american church. if i didnt believe that i wouldnt be here. i have a great ministry in minnesota, theres tons of white kids i could hang out with - 500 of them... i've spent my last two summers and im going to spend this summer and i imagine i'll spened a lot more summers, epic summer project... because i believe in you guys. i wouldnt spend my time here if i didnt believe in you guys. i want you to know you can do it. all the fears you have about ministry on campus or fears you have about going on a summer project or fears you have about doing ministry or whatever it is that you want to do, fears about saying no to your parents about what they want you to do, i want you to know you can do it. i did it, i'm not any more special than you, i'm not smarter than you, i'm not more loved by God than you, i'm just like you, im just older. i want you to believe you can do it.
let me pray for you... oh lord, God i pray that you would be the heavenly father we lack of our earthly fathers. jesus, i pray that you would allow us as staff to be spiritual fathers. God, we just need you, we just need you to break through, and we need you to get to our heart. lord would you not allow us to hide from this issue and hide from the pains that we have and i pray that this weekend, even, and this summer hopefully too, would be a real turning point for us as individuals and as the church, as the asian american church. lord we choose to believe () in you to follow you and let you be our father. so we love you, and we thank you and pray this in your name. amen.