// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Thursday, October 24, 2024


One of my first big internal realizations was: I held this view towards front office strategy and resource allocation in part because I was projecting about my own life. I was the one playing it too safe. I was the one not taking enough risks. I was the one who was getting too comfortable with the parts of my world that just weren’t as good as they could be. I noticed that instead of trying to convince an MLB front office to revolutionize its processes to align with my grand visions, I could get the same feeling (and better results) by putting my energy into revolutionizing my own ways of being to better align with the person I want to be. Crazy right? In the same way I used to look for opportunities for improvement in Griffin Jax’s pitch mix, I began looking for opportunities for improvement in my own world.

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/patience-persistence-inside-life-becoming-minor-league-ryan-moretti https://medium.com/something-tangible/my-mlb-job-hunting-experience-eb578377e478

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

how you live is tuesday's afterlife

get up, woman.

Friday, October 11, 2024



Yet I still find myself wishing more of the romance novels I read at least considered entering this territory, even if they didn't ultimately go there. We all want to believe we'll find our person, yes, but if once they're found, we pin themselves to us so tightly that they cease to exist independent of us, are they still "our" person? When infidelity saves couples, it saves them because it forces them to remember what they value in each other, and that, to me, is a great love story.
At the core of most romance novels I like is an unstated assumption that true love follows not just from a physical attraction one cannot deny no matter how hard they try but also from a kind of psychological healing. Both of the characters have an incorrect assumption about either themselves or the way the world works, one that keeps them from being capable of accepting love when it comes. To achieve happiness, they will have to learn to let go of that assumption and realize the world still has room for surprises. What separates good romance from great romance, for me, is how skillfully a book navigates those straits.
Yet the deeper I dive into the genre, the more I realize that the romances I respond to the best, at least, are just as much stories about finding a community you belong to or a family that feels like home. By falling in love with the right person, you can find a whole life that makes sense to you.


"Trauma" is not just a thing we are forever powerless against, forever captured by, nor is it something that can be glibly transcended. It is, however, something we can learn to live alongside. We can use the worst things that happen to us to sink into the muck; we can also use them to imagine a world where what happened to us will never happen to anybody else again, impossible as that might seem.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

