// ' * , ` ' . __________ almost PARADISE

Sunday, August 27, 2006

i like this song :)

eugene p. kim

i feel like i could sing this forever
(oh, is that how that kind of song got started? hahah)

You are God and we will
worship you forever
You alone deserve all praise
You are holy and you're
Full of mercy and we
Sing of your amazing grace.....

give thanks to the lord, for he is good
his love endures forever

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

oh man! the finale!

[Cut to Mark and Stacy. Stacy is holding Mark’s hand, which moves.]

Mark: Hey.

Stacy: Hey.

Mark: You want to thumb wrestle? Come on. [Stacy gives him a kiss.] He’s still a maniac.

Stacy: I know. [House is watching behind the blinds. Cameron is watching House.]

Cameron: Dr. House? How’s he doing?

House: [looking in again] Never better.

Cameron: I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn’t love me. It’s okay. I’m happy for you. [She walks off.]

[Cut to House’s office. He opens the blinds to look at the rain. Stacy enters.]

Stacy: You fixed him.

House: De nada.

Stacy: Thank you. You were right.

House: He’s gonna be fine.

Stacy: No, about me. I’m not over you. You were, you were the one, you always will be. But I can’t be with you.

House: So I’m the guy, but you want the other guy, who by definition can never be the guy.

Stacy: What’s so great about you, you always think you’re right. What’s so frustrating about you is you are right so much of the time. You are brilliant, funny, surprising, sexy… but with you I was lonely, and with Mark there’s room for me.

freakin' ouch, man.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

episodes 15 + 17

Lucille: It’s really bad, especially at night. It’s like my heart is on fire, like it’s, uh, oh, I don’t know, like it’s…

House: Burning?

Lucille: Exactly!

House: Hmm, sounds almost like heartburn.

Lucille: So, can you give me something?

House: Like a thesaurus?

Lucille: What?

House: I take it you never mentioned this during any of your prenatal visits.

Lucille: Prenatal? I’m not pregnant.

House: Sorry, you don’t get to make that call unless you have a stethoscope. Union rules.

Lucille: I know when I’m pregnant, all right? I have six kids. That’s why my husband had a vasectomy and we use condoms.

House: Vasectomies can reverse themselves, condoms break.

Lucille: Okay. [She hops off the table and gestures to herself.] This is what a woman is supposed to look like. Okay, we’re not just skin and bones. We have flesh. We have curves.

House: You have little people inside you.


[Cut to House, working on charts at the clinic desk. Cameron walks up.]

Cameron: Dr. House. I just wanted to –

House: You’re welcome, again.

Cameron: I want you to know how much I –

House: Got it. You’re grateful. Apparently you seem to think it’ll mean a lot to me to know that.

Cameron: Do you know why people believe in God?

House: I thought you didn’t believe in God.

Cameron: I don’t.

House: Well, then you better be making a very good point.

Cameron: Do you think they pray to Him and praise Him because they want Him to know how great He is? God already knows that.

House: Are you comparing me to God? I mean, that’s great, but just so you know, I’ve never made a tree.

Cameron: [smiling] I thank you because it means something to me. To be grateful for what I receive.

house episode 13

Chase: I’m gonna get a sample. [He turns to leave, but is blocked by an older gentleman in the doorway. Chase looks rather surprised to see him. Let’s call the older man Rowan, for that is his name.]

Rowan: Dr. Chase. You have a few moments. [House watches this with interest.]

Chase: Sorry, I’ve gotta go. [He hurries off.]

House: These young doctors. It’s like they don’t care about people. No manners.

Rowan: My fault, probably.

House: That’s an interesting accent you have there. I’d say Czech, with about thirty years of Aussie.

Rowan: You have quite an ear.

House: You’re Chase’s dad. Hard to miss, you know, the big hug and how happy he was to see you. [He sips his coffee and smiles.]

[Cut to the clinic, where Wilson is with a patient. House enters.]

House: Need a consult.

Wilson: With a patient.

House: Urgent doctor stuff. [He leaves.]

[Cut to House and Wilson, walking out of the clinic.]

House: 26-year-old male, sudden loss of the ability to speak --

Wilson: Just because you got out of clinic duty doesn’t mean everybody did.

House: -- to his father. Differential diagnosis?

Wilson: Chase?

House: Dad swoops in, Chase swoops out.

Wilson: Dad say why he was here?

House: See? You asked. Dad comes 5000 miles and you’re more curious than Junior is. Can’t just be about the divorce. It’s been fifteen years and mom’s been dead for ten of them. You think Daddy murdered her?

Wilson: You want to get to the bottom of this, you’re doing it exactly right. Don’t talk to the people involved, drag your buddy away from work for some pointless speculation.

House: You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they’re going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat.

Wilson: Even I don’t like you. [He walks off.]

House: [calling after him] You know, words can hurt!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

house season 1.

Cut to the ducklings helping Augustine in the clean room.]

Foreman: There you go. No television, no books.

Augustine: Not even my Bible?

Foreman: I’m afraid not. This room has filtered air, filtered water… you even have silk sheets. Very decadent and hypoallergenic. You should be feeling better here. [Foreman and Cameron leave.]

Chase: We’ll be back to check on you in a little while.

Augustine: Can the other sisters come in and pray with me?

Chase: It’d be better if you don’t have any visitors. Once we isolate what’s causing your allergy, then we can be a little more lax. [Augustine turns away from the window and starts to cry.] I can pray with you.

Augustine: I want to die. Why has He left me?

Chase: I was in seminary school. They asked us once what our favorite passage was. I chose 1 Peter 1:7. “These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure. Your faith is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it.”

Augustine: “And your faith is far more precious to the Lord than pure gold; so if your faith remains strong after being tested, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day of His return.”

Chase: He hasn’t left you. The only thing in the way of your knowing if he’s left you is your fear. You have a choice: faith or fear. That’s the test.

Augustine: Do you think faith doesn’t mean I won’t die?

Chase: It will affect how you experience your death, and therefore your life. It’s up to you.

Augustine: Why did you leave seminary school.

Chase: A test. You passed. I didn’t.

Cut to Cameron and Foreman talking to Pius and Eucharist.]

Cameron: We’ll call you if anything changes.

Eucharist: Will she be all right?

Foreman: As long as she’s not exposed to anything that will aggravate her allergy, she’ll be fine. [Chase comes and knocks on the window.]

Chase: Need some help in here! [Cameron and Foreman start to suit up.] Screw the procedure, she’s in anaphylactic shock!

Foreman: No way, she’s in the damn clean room.

Chase: You kidding me? Get in here! [Cameron and Foreman run in.] 0.1 cc of epi.

Foreman: Gonna have to intubate.

Cameron: I got it. [They insert a breathing tube.] I’m in. [They start to pump air.] Breathing’s stabilized.

Chase: It’s a clean room!

Cut to House and Wilson looking through the glass.]

House: How do you get an allergic reaction in a clean room?

Wilson: Maybe it was the preservatives in the IV?

House: Checked that.

Wilson: Latex tubing?

House: Checked that. Checked everything.

Wilson: Well, it could be mast-cell leukemia. It can cause anaphylaxis.

House: Checked the blood levels. And it’s not [he mutters a couple of diseases she didn’t have, I couldn’t catch it].

Wilson: Maybe it’s just divine will.

House: It’s not my will. [takes a couple of Vicodin]

Wilson: You do realize if you’re wrong, about the big picture that is, you’re going to burn, right?

House: What do you want me to do? Accept it, pack it in?

Wilson: Yeah. I want you to accept that sometimes patients die against all reason. Sometimes they get better against all reason.

House: No, they don’t. We just don’t know the reason.

Wilson: I don’t think the nuns would agree with you on that.

Cut to House, pacing in his office. Cameron knocks on his office door and enters.]

Cameron: I just wanted to say that I know that you did everything you could.

House: I don’t need verification from you to know that I’m doing my job well. That’s your problem, not mine.

Cameron: I was just being nice.

House: Yeah, well, you don’t need to always do that. [pause]

Cameron: Merry Christmas. [She hands House a present. Chase enters.]

Chase: Sister Augustine’s been extubated.

House: Good.

Chase: She’s requested to check out against medical advice. She wants to go back to the monastery.

House: Well, talk her out of it.

Chase: I think I may have talked her into it.

Cut to House entering the clean room.]

House: Room’s paid up for the rest of the week. You might as well stick around.

Augustine: This illness is a test of my faith. If it’s His will to take me, it doesn’t matter where I am. I can accept that.

House: Does anybody believe anything you say? You’re not accepting. You’re running away. Just like you always do. You ran away from the monastery, you get laid, you ran away from the real world when getting laid didn’t work out so good. Now things aren’t working out again, so off you go.

Augustine: Why is it so difficult for you to believe in God?

House: What I have difficulty with is the whole concept of belief. Faith isn’t based on logic and experience.

Augustine: I experience God on a daily basis, and the miracle of life all around. The miracle of birth, the miracle of love. He is always with me.

House: Where is the miracle in delivering a crack-addicted baby? Hmmm? And watching her mother abandon her because she needs another score. The miracle of love. You’re twice as likely to be killed by the person you love than by a stranger.

Augustine: Are you trying to talk me out of my faith?

House: You can have all the faith you want in spirits and the afterlife, and heaven and hell, but when it comes to this world, don’t be an idiot. ‘Cause you can tell me you put your faith in God to put you through the day, but when it comes time to cross the road, I know you look both ways.

Augustine: I don’t believe He is inside me and is going to save me. I believe He is inside me whether I live or die.

House: Then you might as well live. You’ve got a better shot betting on me than on Him.

Augustine: When I was 15, I was on every kind of birth control known to man, and I still got pregnant. I blamed God. I hated Him for ruining my life, but then I realized something. You can’t be angry with God and not believe in him at the same time. No one can. Not even you, Dr. House.

Cut to a hallway. Wilson meets up with House.]

Wilson: How’d it go?

House: She has God inside her. It would have been easier to deal with a tumor.

christmas episode, too.

the end.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

we're going over john 15 tomorrow.

guess who pointed out this passage to me this year?
guess who's moving in with us now!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

birthday'd it tonight. :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

it doesnt.... feel... like august.